Natural Hair Ingredient: Black Tea

Benefits of black tea on your hair:

  • Black tea contains more caffeine than a cup of coffee. The caffeine blocks DHT, the hormone that is responsible for hair loss.
  • Reduces shedding.
  • Adds shine and softens hair.
  • Darkens hair or brings out natural highlights.

Rinse instructions: Add 2-4 tea bags to 2 cups of boiled water (this may vary depending on how much hair you have), let it steep for a few hours or over night. Take the tea and pour on your hair after it has been shampooed, let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Then make sure you deep condition your hair after it has sat for 20-30 minutes adding the deep conditioner on top of your rinse.

*Warning: Black tea stains so be sure to wear an old shirt or something you don’t mind staining.

Anyone ever try a Black Tea Rinse? What were the reuslts?