Puff Apothecary

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Take Note & Schedule: Create a Simple Calendar and Note Your Preferences

One issue Puff Apothecary encounter over and over again with customers is that one reason they are inconsistent with their routine, is because they do not love their products and tend to have a lot of them. Also, as much as you want your hair routine to be a better, you have to understand that it takes planning to get there. Deciding what to do and committing to when to do it is crucial for a great hair routine. 

So today we are going take note of ingredients in your products to help you improve your selection of products and we’re also going to get you scheduled when it comes to doing your hair routine.

All you need is a bit of time and some paper or the your phone works, too.

Noting patterns in ingredients is an important first step in determining the products you'll enjoy and will work for your hair. As far as scheduling, think about how other habits in our life are formed and adhered to. We prioritize them and sometimes the simple act of adding it to our calendar or phone reminders or just making a mental note makes us more likely to feel like it is important to do. So use whatever form of scheduling that you do whether it be on paper or on a digital calendar or set in a phone reminder.

What was notable about the ingredients in your products? Did you schedule everything?